Tuesday 31 December 2019

National Champagne Day

Agne27 [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)]
December 31st, is National Champagne Day in the United States.

As today is also New Year's Eve, and it's traditional to welcome the New Year with a glass of bubbly, this is a pretty logical day to celebrate the drink.

Champagne is a sparkling wine, which uses secondary fermentation to add the distinctive fizz. Not every sparkling wine is champagne though, and in many places it can only refer to the sparkling wines produced in the champagne wine producing region of France, it being a product with a "controlled designation of origin."

Champagne, despite being French, owes a lot of its success to its popularity with the British. The British developed a taste for the bubbly whilst the French still preferred their wines pale and flat. Wines were popular in Britain, and the country had the wealth to buy them, but lacked the ability to produce them.

The bubbles did cause a problem in the early days of champagne production - the bottles simply couldn't withstand the pressure and would explode. Fortunately, that tends not to happen now. Even so, it is wise to be careful when opening a bottle of champagne, as the cork can fly off with a lot of speed.

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