Friday 7 February 2020

National Bubble Gum Day

I, Martial BACQUET [CC BY-SA (]
February 7th is National Bubble Gum Day in the United States.

Bubble gum, or bubblegum, is a type of chewing gum that was created, essentially by accident, by the Fleer Chewing Gum Company, and was eventually marketed as Dubble Bubble, for years the dominant brand, and was a distinctive pink colour, due to the addition of red dye to hide the fact that it started off a dingy grey colour. Bubble gum is more stretchy and less sticky than ordinary chewing gum, and is therefore easier to blow into bubbles, hence the name. Originally, bubble gum stick to the face when a bubble popped, but synthetic gum was introduced in the 1970s, which greatly reduced the chance of this happening. Bubble gum can come in a variety of different flavours, although perhaps the best known is the titular bubblegum flavour, which does vary depending on what company makes it.

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