Sunday 8 November 2020

National Pupusa Day

The second Sunday of November is National Pupusa Day in El Salvador.

The pupusa was declared the national dish of El Salvador in 2005. It is a thick flatbread or griddle cake from El Salvador and Honduras; both countries claim to be the birthplace of the dish. They have been linked to the Pipil tribes that lived in the region now known as El Salvador and items associated with their cooking have been found dating back 2,000 years; Honduran etymologists say the Pipil language is close enough to Nahuatl that the Honduran Nahua could have created the dish.

The pupusa is stuffed with one or more ingredients including such as refried beans, squash, cheese and chicharrĂ³n, and is usually accompanied by a tomato salsa and curtido, a spicy cabbage slaw. Variations can be found in other countries using different flour and ingredients.

Image: JMRAFFi, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

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