Tuesday 4 December 2018

National Cookie Day

December 4th is National Cookie Day in the United States.

Cookies - which are also known as biscuits (not to be confused with the American bread) - are small baked treats. Outside the US and Canada, the name cookie usually refers only to certain types of biscuit.

Cookies, at their base, are a very simple recipe, involving sugar, eggs, flour and either cooking oil or butter, but they are rarely limited to just those ingredients. Instead, many other ingredients are added to them. Other ingredients include spices, nuts, fruit - especially dried - and chocolate.

They are not always baked, either, as some cookie recipes are no-bake.

Cookies, in one form or another, have been around as long as bread has, but early forms were not sweet, and would not be considered to be a cookie by today's standards. The earliest known form of the modern cookie dates back to 7th century Persia when sugar was added to what had been up until then small, flat, hard bread. The true modern cookie only dates back to the 18th century.

Cookies are actually quite simple to make at home - in theory anyway. Practice can be a little different.

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