Saturday 22 December 2018

National Date Nut Bread Day

National Date Nut Bread Day is on December 22nd in the United States.

This is another really specific food day, as it celebrates not just any old type of bread, but one with two particular ingredients.

Bread, in all its many different varieties, is one of the oldest prepared foods, dating back to the dawn of agriculture. It is quite a flexible dish, as many additional ingredients can be added to it. Date nut bread is one of the varieties that is of a sweeter, rather than savoury, nature.

The date is the fruit of the date palm, and dates have been harvested for thousands of years. They originated in the Middle east, probably in the region of Iraq, and, given that they would have been collected by hunter gatherers before they were cultivated, have been a source of food even longer than bread. The other ingredient, nuts is similarly a foodstuff that would have been gathered prior to being cultivated, but "nut" refers to many different varieties of food, many of which are not even, botanically, nuts.

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