Sunday 3 May 2020

National Salad Month

May is National Salad Month in the United States.

What is a salad? Well, the name comes from the French salade and the Latin salata meaning salty. The word dates back to the 14th century. Salad greens themselves have been eaten with meals since Greek and Roman times. There are different types of salads; green salads are comprised of leafy green vegetables, vegetable salads use other raw vegetables, fruit salads are made from fruit, main course salads tend to incorporate things other than vegetables and bound salads have a dressing incorporated in them. Then there are other dishes with salad in the name, such as the potato salad, which itself is often included in other salads. There can be quite a bit of overlap between salad types, and they can range from appetisers to starters to main meals to side dishes to desserts.

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