Tuesday 4 August 2020

National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

Procsilas Moscas / CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)
August 4th is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day in the United States.

Chocolate chip cookies are drop cookies that have chocolate chips in them. They were created in 1938 when Ruth Graves Whitfield added chopped pieces from a chocolate bar into a cookie. Semi-sweet - a type of dark - chocolate is most commonly used.

At the time, Wakefield owned the Toll House Inn - the chocolate chip cookies were named after the restaurant. It is often said that Wakefield added the chocolate chips to the cookie dough, expecting them to melt, but was surprised when they didn't. However, it is said that this claim that they were accidentally invented is inaccurate; that she intended to try them this way as an experiment.

Today, bags of chocolate chips sold in the U.S. and Canada will normally have a variation of the original recipe printed on them.

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