Saturday 9 March 2019

National Crabmeat Day

National Crabmeat Day is on March 9th in the United States.

Crabmeat, or crab meat, is, not surprisingly, the meat from crabs. Crabmeat is eaten in many different countries across the world, and there are various different species that are commercially harvested for the meat. Believe it or not, crabmeat used to be much more of a luxury item than it is today.

Crabmeat is also graded, although how it is graded varies depending on the country and region. In Europe, crabmeat is divided into white meat and brown meat. White meat comes from the legs and claws and tends to be more highly valued. Brown meat comes from the body and is higher in fat.

In the US, crabmeat comes in more grades, depending on where in the body it comes from and, in some cases, what species of crab. The grades are colossal, jumbo lump, lump, back fin, special, claw and claw fingers.

Crabmeat is a popular ingredient in many different dishes.

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