Sunday 10 March 2019

National Pack Your Lunch Day

National Pack Your Lunch Day is on March 10th in the United States.

This may seem like an odd day to celebrate, but it has the potential to be a healthy one.

Lunches can often be a problem. Lunch is frequently eaten whilst still at work - whether at work, or in the lunch hour. As time is limited, there is a tendency to buy food - if we do not have it with us - that is quick and easy. Which tends to mean fast food, sandwiches or other unhealthy items.

By packing a lunch to take to work (or to school, or whatever), a much better choice in food can be made. Even a sandwich can be made with much better and healthier ingredients than would be found in many commercial sandwiches.

Another advantage is that making your own lunch tends to be much, much cheaper.

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