Sunday 3 March 2019

National Cold Cuts Day

National Cold Cuts Day is on March 3rd in the United States.

What are "cold cuts" anyway? If you haven't heard of them before, the name is hardly helpful - it doesn't even relate to food in any obvious way.

Once you know the alternative names for cold cuts, it becomes much more comprehensible. Cold cuts are also known as sandwich meats, deli meats, lunch or luncheon meats (although luncheon meat is, in many countries, used to refer to reclaimed meat and offal), cold meats and sliced meats. It's pretty obvious at this point that cold cuts are meat, and cold at that.

Cold cuts are made from cooked or preserved meats, frequently in sausage or meat loaf form, which are then sliced - "cut" - and served cold. They are common ingredients in many different types of sandwiches, but can also be used in salads and other dishes.

One problem with cold cuts is the amount of surface area they have, which means there is a correspondingly higher percentage of preservatives in them.

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