Saturday 30 March 2019

National Turkey Neck Soup Day

March 30th is National Turkey Neck Soup Day in the United States.

This is another dish that is just what it sounds like. It's soup made with turkey necks.

This is the sort of recipe that would have originally been created to use up every bit of a bird, so that there is no wastage. The turkey necks wouldn't have been eaten with the rest of the bird, and probably would have been removed before cooking it.

Nowadays, turkey's often come pre-dressed, so the turkey neck may not even be included. Consequently, the necks are often sold separately - you can buy packs of frozen turkey necks. This makes it a dish you choose to have, rather than a way of getting the last bit of food from the bird.

Like most soups, the necks would be placed in water, along with some other vegetables, and simmered. The meat would be removed from the bones when it is tender enough, and the bones removed.

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