Saturday 15 June 2019

National Lobster Day

National Lobster Day is on June 15th in the United States.

Lobsters are large, clawed marine crustaceans. In its most general usage, the name lobster also includes other crustaceans, such as scampi, its culinary use is much more specific. When it comes to culinary lobsters, the term just refers to the clawed lobster, so ordering lobster in a restaurant won't get you a plate of scampi.

Lobsters are one of the more expensive types of seafood around and are therefore a valuable marine crop, although originally lobster was considered a food of last resort, or for lower classes, not a luxury food. The traditional method of cooking lobster is involves boiling or steaming them alive. There are other methods of cooking them, though, and the prior two are actually illegal in some places.

There are various different ways of cooking lobster, with the simplest being to cook the lobster and eat it from its shell.

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