Sunday 23 June 2019

National Pecan Sandies Day

June 23rd is National Pecan Sandies Day in the United States.

It's entirely possible, especially if you don't hail from the United States, that you don't know what pecan sandies are, and the name is only half useful. The useful part is the word pecan - pecans are a type of nut from the pecan tree, a type of hickory native to North America, and they are a culinary nut, not a botanical one, as pecans are actually a drupe, with the stone or pit surrounded by a husk.

The "sandies" part of the name is the rather unhelpful part. They are actually a type of cookie (or biscuit) that has pecans - usually chopped - folded into the mix. Other ingredients may be added, as is common in most cookie recipes. The company Keebler makes a branded Pecan Sandie biscuit.

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