Sunday 30 June 2019

National Papaya Month

June is National Papaya Month in the United States.

Papaya is a fruit that comes from the papaya, which is also known as the pawpaw, tree. When ripe, papaya are a large, soft and orange fruit that is filled with small seeds. Papaya is considered to be a tropical fruit, and is currently the third most popular fruit of this type, after mango and pineapple.

like many types of fruit, papaya can be eaten in different ways and has a number of different culinary uses. As is common with fruit, the papaya can be eaten raw, but it is also popular as a dried fruit. It is also used in recipes as a meat tenderiser.

It can also be used unripe, and in such cases is often used in stews, salads and curries.

The fruit is also used in traditional medicine and is a good source of various different nutrients.

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