Monday 29 July 2019

National Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day

July 29th is National Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day in the United States.

If you find the name of this day a little confusing, do not worry. You are not alone in this.

There is general agreement that July 29th is Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day. What no-one seems to know for certain is just what this day is celebrating.

A fairly plausible explanation is that this is the day that cheese is purchased to be used to bait a mousetrap, which is where the sacrifice part of the name comes in.

Other than that, it's rather hard to see how you could sacrifice a piece of cheese - at least sensibly; it's possible it's one of the bizarre old customs that have made their way down through the centuries.

Perhaps another way of sacrificing some cheese is to simply eat a bit of it.

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