Sunday 11 August 2019

National Raspberry Tart Day

August 11th in the United States is National Raspberry Tart Day.

Well, here we are with yet another raspberry day. They do tend to be in season at this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere, though, and fresh raspberries are nicer than preserved fillings, although frozen raspberries can be a good alternative.

Tarts are a type of sweet dessert. In a tart, there is a pastry base which then contains a filling (which can be sweet or savoury, a savoury example would be the quiche). In this case, the filling is raspberries. If a jam tart were made, the raspberry filling would be raspberry jam (or jelly), but in this case the filling would be made using fresh raspberries. These could be mixed with custard, or placed on top of a custard base for the tart.

The pastry base itself is normally made from shortcrust pastry, but there is no reason why other suitable types of pastry, or other ingredients, couldn't be used. Pre-made pastry or bases are the easiest to use.

If a full size tart isn't wanted, then individual tartlets could also be made, each suitable for one person.

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