Sunday 28 October 2018

Wild Foods Day

October 28th is Wild Foods Day in the United States.

Wild food is, not surprisingly, food that is found growing wild, rather than that which is grown in the garden (or purchased from the supermarket). There are many different wild foods, especially plants, that can be eaten, such as beans, cereals, root tubers, nuts, berries, leaves, cacti, algae, fungi and moss. Fungi, such as mushrooms, are probably one of the most well known, and also most dangerous, foods that can be found.

Foraging for wild foods is certainly something that shouldn't be undertaken if you lack the knowledge, especially with fungi. Many wild mushrooms are very poisonous - the death cap (so called because it looks like a cap and will kill you) is extremely poisonous, responsible for the majority of mushroom poisonings, and resembles some nutritious species - and shouldn't be hunted if you don't know what you are doing. There are things such as forager clubs which will help, as well as guides (although these shouldn't be used solely by themselves) and, if you are still reluctant, it's possible to buy wild woods that other, hopefully more experienced, people have picked. Even in the supermarket.

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