Monday 12 November 2018

National Pizza With Everything (Except Anchovies) Day

November 12th in the United States in National Pizza With Everything (Except Anchovies) Day.

This doesn't celebrate the humble cheese pizza, although cheese is still used, but instead it celebrates everything else that can go on a pizza. Except anchovies, of course. Anchovies - small, strongly tasting fish - seem to be one of the more unpopular pizza toppings.

Also known as the works, this pizza can have a wide range of different toppings on it although, considering how many different things can be added (pretty much anything edible in fact can and probably has been added to a pizza) it is probably best not to put every single possible topping on to one single pizza - unless it's really, really big - or you will just end up with a mound of food.

Most pizza places, though, will only have a comparatively limited number of toppings. Comparatively, because this can still be dozens of different toppings, even if it isn't all the many hundreds if not thousands of toppings available. Some toppings will likely not work well with each other, so some forethought is advised before going wild.

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