Sunday 11 November 2018

National Sundae Day

November 11th is National Sundae Day in the United States.

Sundaes are an ice cream dessert. Although the precise origin of the name is uncertain, as is the origin of the sundae itself, it's believed that it does come from the word Sunday, in one origin story because the drinking of sodas was banned on Sundays. This was, as you can probably tell, some years back.

There are many different places in the US that claim to be the origin point of the ice cream sundae. The earliest of these is from Two Rivers, Illinois, where the owner of Berners' Soda Fountain, Edward C. Berners, was apparently asked to drizzle chocolate syrup over ice cream back in 1881. This is disputed, as it is claimed that Berners would have been too young to own a soda fountain back then.

Ice cream sodas were banned in some states of the US on Sundays, so sundaes got around that by simply skipping out the soda part of the ice cream soda.

Whatever their origin, a sundae is classically made from vanilla ice cream, flavoured sauce, whipped cream and a maraschino cherry on top. There are many, many more varieties of sundaes than that, though, with more ingredients such as fruit included in some.

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