Thursday 10 January 2019

National Bittersweet Chocolate Day

National Bittersweet Chocolate Day is on January 10th in the United States.

Bittersweet is one of the different classifications of chocolate. The definition - and, indeed, the name - does vary from country and region to country and region.

Bittersweet, which is also called semisweet or dark chocolate, is one of the more bitter, and stronger flavoured, types of chocolate. Some sugar has been added to it, but less than a third. In the US, bittersweet needs at least 35% chocolate liquor and less than 12% milk solids. In the EU, there is no precise correlating chocolate type, but dark would be the normal description. There are also generally more requirements that need to be met, and chocolate liquor is not measured.

Chocolate does contain a number of things that are quite good for you, but the presence of the sugar makes them less so. Bittersweet chocolate, having less sugar, is therefore healthier - you can get the health benefits without the sugar disadvantages. It is too strongly flavoured for some, though, but it is popular in cooking.

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