Sunday 27 January 2019

National Chocolate Cake Day

National Chocolate Cake Day is on January 27th in the United States.

Chocolate cake is what it sounds like - a cake made with chocolate, although other ingredients can also be used, especially those that can be used between layers of the cake and to glaze the outside or top of it. In most chocolate cakes, these extras tend to use cream, or more chocolate.

Although chocolate has been around since the 18th century and it became much less expensive in the 19th century as processes for extracting  the required ingredients from cacao beans improved, chocolate cake itself is a rather more recent creation. The ability to make chocolate cakes improved by the end of the nineteenth century, but recipes were still mostly for chocolate drinks.

Cake mixes to make chocolate cake at home were introduced in the 1930s and by the end of the century various "death by chocolate" cakes became popular. Today it is possible to get a wide range of different cakes, some of which contain no flour at all.

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