Monday 28 January 2019

National Blueberry Pancake Day

January 28th is National Blueberry Pancake Day in the United States.

A rather specific type of day this, not just pancakes, but blueberry pancakes. This is a rather odd time of year for an American holiday to have blueberries in it - they are not in season in the United States at this time. However, they are in season in Mexico, so fresh blueberries can be obtained from there.

The pancakes in question will be the thicker, smaller diameter, American pancakes which are similar to Scotch pancakes and drop scones. With this type of pancake being thicker, it is easier to add blueberries to the recipe. Blueberries are quite small in themselves (they are a small, dark purple fruit that ranges in size from 4-15 millimetres), but it would be tricky adding them to a British-style pancake that's only a couple of millimetres thick, rather than the US variety which tends to be about a centimetre thick.

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