Thursday 3 January 2019

National Wheat Bread Month

January is National Wheat Bread Month in the United States.

What is wheat bread? And why does it deserve a different name? Aren't most breads made from the same ingredients?

Well, to a large proportion, the last question isn't true - there are many different flours that bread can be made from. This is a fairly normal type of bread, which is also called brown, wholemeal and whole wheat bread.

The difference is, generally, that this type of bread contains a lot of whole grain flour - in this case, the grain is wheat. Whole grain means that all of the grain is used to make the flour, rather than just the endosperm of refined grains.

Whole wheat bread is less processed and therefore generally better for you than the typical processed white bread. It's also quite common to find "bits" in it; this is sometimes done deliberately these days but, as a consequence, can make it less popular with children.

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