Saturday 23 February 2019

National Banana Bread Day

National Banana Bread Day is on February 23rd in the United States.

This is another food that is pretty much what it sounds like - it's bread made with bananas.

Banana bread started becoming popular in the US in the early to mid twentieth century. It is often a type of quick bread - bread which is leavened with ingredients other than eggs or yeast, such as baking powder, which can result in a bread that is moist and more like a cake than a bread. Some recipes do resemble traditional breads more, and use yeast.

Banana bread is made using bananas that are very ripe; if fact, too ripe for normal usage, which makes it a good way of using them up rather than throwing them away.

Other ingredients can be added to the bread, such as raisins, nuts and chocolate chips.

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