Tuesday 26 February 2019

National Pistachio Day

National Pistachio Day is on February 26th in the United States.

Pistachios are a type of culinary nut, rather than a botanical one, as they are actually a seed. The pistachio is related to the cashew.

Pistachios have been eaten for a long, long time. There are references claiming that they have been eaten since at least nine thousand years ago. The tree originated in the Middle East, but has since spread around the globe. The pistachio comes inside a distinctive shell, which is splits partially open when the seed is ripe, like a cooked mussel, when purchased.

The seed is also green in colour with a distinctive flavour. Like many culinary nuts, pistachios are used in both sweet and savoury dishes, and can be eaten as a snack, raw, roasted and with such things as salt added.

Like many nuts, pistachios contain a lot of different nutrients. They are also considered to be a hazardous product to ship, due to their tendency towards spontaneous combustion.

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