Thursday 28 February 2019

National Chocolate Soufflé Day

National Chocolate Soufflé Day is on February 28th in the United states.

Another day celebrating a dish that contains chocolate, and that is also a sweet dessert.

The soufflé is a type of baked cake made from egg whites beaten to a soft peak meringue, as well as a base such as cream sauce, purée or purée. It is also combined with other ingredients, and can be sweet or savoury depending on what those ingredients  are. In this case, it is a sweet dish, and the primary ingredient is chocolate. The name means "to blow up" which is what the dessert does - it becomes puffed up and fluffy after cooking, although it does fall again quite quickly. It is quite a difficult dish to make properly, and it isn't unknown for it to never properly puff up.

Often made in individual ramekins, the dish is frequently pierced and filled with a liquid sauce of some type - the type depending on the type of soufflé. In the case of a chocolate soufflé, chocolate sauce could be poured in.

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