Wednesday 30 October 2019

American Cheese Month

Amin [CC BY-SA 4.0 (]
October is American Cheese Month in the United States.

American cheese is not cheese of any sort that is simply made in America. Instead, it is a specific type of processed cheese. By legal definition, for a cheese to be called American cheese, it must be processed from cheddar cheese, colby cheese, granular cheese, washed curd cheese or a combination of two or more of those. American cheese has a low melting point and, although it is available in blocks, like more traditional cheeses, it is also commonly available in slices, either in stacks or individually wrapped. These slices of American cheese are the type that are found in the typical cheeseburger; the low melting point means that the cheese will typically melt simply from contact with the burger. Like most processed foods, American cheese is perhaps not as healthy as its more traditional cousins.

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