Tuesday 15 October 2019

National Eat Better, Eat Healthier Month

October is National Eat Better, Eat Healthier Month in the United States.

For a variety of reasons, or diet today is not as healthier as it could, and should, be. Too many meals are eaten "on the go" rather than whilst sat down, and many are purchased from fast food restaurants, which can be high in thinks that make food taste good, but are not healthy. At home, family and evening meals are often pre-packaged meals that are then heated up at home, and these also can be high in substances that are unhealthy. Fresh fruit and vegetables are also not eaten as often as they should be.

There are ways we can try and eat better and healthier, often quite simple. Avoid buying processed and junk foods, and you avoid the additives they contain. Take a few moments to sit and enjoy your food when eating during working hours, instead of simply eating at your desk or workplace. Making your own packed lunches instead of buying pre-made and fast food can not only be healthier, it can also be cheaper.

Make batches of healthier food at home when you have free time, and then either eat it during the week, or build up a collection of homemade frozen food. Choose leaner meats, and eat more fish. Grow your own vegetables, if you have the time, ability and space to do so.

It may seem that you can't afford to take the time to eat better, but it will give you more time in the long run.

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