Tuesday 8 October 2019

Mouldy Cheese Day

October 8th is Mouldy Cheese Day in the United States.

This doesn't sound the best day to celebrate; however, it isn't celebrating cheese that has gone mouldy in the fridge. Mould can be important in the cheese-making process, but cheese that has gone off is another thing entirely.

This day is instead celebrating cheese that is distinctively and intentionally mouldy, most of which is known as blue cheese.

The term blue cheese is a generic name for what is actually a wide range of different cheeses that are made with cow's, goat's and sheep's milk. Blue cheese has had a mold culture, Penicillium, introduced so that it ends up with a distinctive mottled or veined appearance.

Whilst it varies from cheese to cheese, blue cheese tends to have a strong taste and smell. Some of the more well known blues around are Stilton, Danish Blue, Gorgonzola and Roquefort, but it is possible to convert many base cheeses into blues by adding mould to them when they are made.

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