Friday 4 October 2019

National Taco Day

October 4th is National Taco Day in the United States.

Tacos are a type of versatile Mexican dish. A tortilla, which is a thin flatbread and can be made from either corn or wheat flour, is folded or wrapped around a variety of different fillings. The tortilla itself can also come in different varieties. The taco can be made with a hard shell, which is usually a pre-fabricated shell made from a taco that has been folded over into a U-shape and crisp fried, a soft shell, which is, naturally, softer and crispy tacos where the tortillas are fried. The taco concept is an old one, pre-dating European interaction with the New World.

Inside the taco are added the various ingredients. Popular ones include vegetables, meat (beef, pork and chicken are popular), seafood and cheese. The taco can then be garnished with a variety of dishes such as salsa, lettuce and guacamole, and other items such as jalapeƱo peppers.

Tacos are a common convenience food, as they are intended to be eaten without cutlery. Stands selling them as well as fast food chain restaurants are consequently common in some places.

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