Monday 7 October 2019

National Frappe Day

October 7th is National Frappe Day in the United States.

Frappés (when referring to the coffee drink, not the New England milkshake) are the in thing these days, especially from shops such as Starbucks and even fast food chains like McDonalds, and the name is French in origin, but the Greeks are credited with creating it back in 1957. The name frappé normally means to hit, but in this context it means chilled.

Frappés are a type of iced coffee that is covered with foam and is normally made from instant coffee. They were apparently invented by accident at the International Trade Fair in Thessaloniki, when the representative of Nestlé, unable to find any hot water to make his coffee, instead mixed it with cold water and ice cubes in a shaker.

Outside of Greece, the frappé tends to be made with espresso coffee. In the United States, the name is used to refer quite a few drinks, some of which are frozen and some of which are just chilled. Some varieties do not even contain coffee. The frappucino is a common variant, and is a trademark of Starbucks. Some of the drinks use milk instead of water, and flavoured varieties are also quite common.

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