Friday 31 May 2019

National Macaroon Day

National Macaroon Day is on May 31st in the United States.

First, what are macaroons? Well, they are a small, circular cake that have been made since at least the 19th century - there is a recipe for one in the classic book on Victorian housekeeping, Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.

The cakes are named after almond paste, as ground almonds are the traditional ingredient for the cake, macaroon deriving from the Italian word "maccarone" which means "paste." Other ingredients are used in the basic recipe, such as egg white and sugar, but the almonds themselves may also be replaced, or used in combination with other ingredients.

This is a cake that has many regional varieties. Coconut is another popular ingredient in some variations, as is chocolate, and other nuts such as cashews are also used.

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