Sunday 1 September 2019

National Cherry Popover Day

September 1st is National Cherry Popover Day in the US.

The popover is a type of batter pudding made from an egg batter. It is very similar to the Yorkshire pudding (sometimes called Yorkshires), and is an American version of the same dish, so it dates back to at least the 17th century as far the Yorkshire is concerned, and to the mid-19th for the US version.

The popover is a hollow roll. Although Yorkshire puddings are traditionally served as a savoury dish, with the traditional Sunday lunch, they, like these, can be either sweet or savoury. Some of the earliest popovers were savoury puddings as they were cooked with meat drippings, but if such are left out, they can easily be made into a sweet one.

Sweet popovers can have spices added to them. In the case of the cherry popover, the hollow centre of the popover is filled with cherries, probably in a pie filling of some kind. There is nothing to say that whole, fresh cherries couldn't be used in a homemade recipe, but remember to remove the cherry stones before finishing the filling.

Image: Jeremy Noble from St. Paul, United States [CC BY 2.0 (]

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