Sunday 29 September 2019

National Coffee Day

National Coffee Day is on September 29th in the United States.

is a drink that is made from the beans of several species of the shrub Coffea. The beans can be roasted or baked. The two most common species used are Coffea arabica, which are often referred to as arabica beans and are considered to be superior, and Coffea canephora.

Coffee is quite a recent drink, as the earliest definite accounts only date back to the 15th century (there are legendary accounts that have no evidence to back them up of earlier usage) when coffee seeds were roasted and brewed in Arabia. Coffee then spread across the Middle East, Africa and India, and then across the rest of the world. Some of the earliest seeds had to be smuggled out of the Middle East.

Coffee is notable for its high caffeine content, which gives it a stimulating effect, but the caffeine is also responsible for most of the possible negative effects caused from drinking coffee. Caffeine is a drug, and users do suffer withdrawal effects when they stop taking it.

Once the green coffee beans have been roasted, there are different grades of coffee, and the beans when finished can be used to prepare coffee, by grinding them and filtering hot water through them, although instant coffee, which is a freeze dried powder, is one of the most popular ways of preparing coffee to the fact that this can be done quickly and easily. The taste is not considered as good, though.

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