Friday 27 September 2019

National Chocolate Milk Day

September 27th is National Chocolate Milk Day in the United States.

This day celebrates something that is pretty much what it sounds like - chocolate flavoured milk. This drink, which in many ways is rather similar to hot chocolate, differs in one major way in that it is usually served cold, not hot. The drink itself originated in Jamaica in the late seventeenth century.

Milk, of whatever type is preferred - including non-dairy - has either chocolate, or cocoa, powder or syrup added to it, along with a sweetener. This drink can be made at home, or it can be bought pre-made if preferred. Homemade can be a lot healthier, as many pre-made versions are unfortunately rather high in sugar and should therefore be avoided. Given that this is a drink that is popular with children, it is a good idea to make your own with healthier, lower sugar and lower fat ingredients.

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